Never Forget !!




Well this is the second time I have tried to load up all these photos on this web page.  Unfortunately the whole thing crashed and I lost all the data and captions that I had for these photos.  So, this time I am just going to load up the pictures and let you guys formulate your own captions as you were there and experienced it.

One thing is very evident it these pixs, we all aint as young as we used to be for sure.  I hope you will enjoy these photos and I hope it brings back some pleasant memories.

A big thanks to Bill (where's the beer) Campbell for all of these photos.  Bill went out of his way to ensure he had taken a bunch of pictures to document the event.

ENJOY !    Hit Counter



Holy shit, I can't believe I went out in public looking like that  !

Now this is really scary !

ZAK : "Barbecued Marv for lunch  !"


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